Sunday, July 11, 2010

Still not walking

I'm not too terribly bothered by the fact Lilah Rose is a late walker. Her vocabulary grows by the day, and she speed walks around furniture or holding onto a bigger hand. She had made no attempt at walking solo until this weekend. We had coaxed and encouraged and even shouted, "Just walk already!" on occasion to no avail. Yesterday Lilah and I went out on the boat with my aunt and uncle and she adored it. The wind, the water, the people floating lazily by on tubes or speeding past on seadoos. She loved all of it. She leaned as far as I'd allow her to over the side and wave her chubby little arms at passersby. "Hi. Hi. Hi, Lilah!" She even swam a bit in a shallow sandy corner of Coldwater Lake. While on the boat, she took 3 or 4 steps by herself, nonchalantly like she had been walking her whole life. I wanted to push her down. "Lilah Rose Marie. You won't walk on solid ground in a house but you'll stroll around when you're on a moving boat? What's wrong with you?!" My aunt suggested she just needed more of a challenge, that anyone could walk on land. She could walk on a boat. I was more than a little exasperated.

Lilah's trademark is never shutting up, it seems. I put her in the shower with me and she babbles away to the point I can't even hear my own thoughts anymore. One time I actually did get impatient. "Lilah! I can't even think with your constant chattering!" She grinned up at me. "Hi, Mama."

We're going to Hiawatha again. We're leaving this Thursday. I'm curious to see how Lilah tolerates camping at 16 months rather than 6. Updates to come!

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