Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"Stories, Mama!"

About a month ago, Lilah finally started to notice books. We've read to her since she was born. Before bed we'd usually get in a few pages of Lord of the Rings, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, or a Wrinkle in Time before her little eyes would drift closed. As she got older, we'd barely make it a page into her board books before she completely lost interest and said, "All done," slithering away. Then last month, something clicked in her little brain. She started bringing us stories by the armful. She wanted them read cover to cover, and she quickly picked out her favorite.
What's more, she had her favorite parts of each book. In "Welcome Fall" she likes the page with the leaves that crinkle and crunch, and she says, "Crunch, crunch, crunch," as the little boy jumps in the leaf pile. In "Barnyard Dance" she likes "Scramble with the little chicks. Cheep cheep cheep!" She cheeps right along. In "Moo Baa Lalala", I get to the page "Rhinoceroses snort and snuff and little dogs go..." and Lilah says "RUFF RUFF RUFF!"
I'm amazed at how quickly she memorizes whole pages and stories, and even songs. I'll hear her singing to herself while she plays and she really does know the words. It's making my watch what I say more and more. I wonder how much memory she can actually store now. It's a little scary.

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