Friday, September 30, 2011

30 months

Lilah had her 2.5 year physical today. The morning was a bit of a clusterf*ck. I had to be a medical assistant for Dr Kolin, with whom I'd never worked. She was patient and understanding. But that also put me in the position of having to be an MA for my own daughter, which made me super uncomfortable. I basically did her height, weight, head circumference, and poked her toe to get a hemoglobin. This coming, of course, after she toured the office and showed everyone her boots.

Dr Kolin came in as I was poking her and said, "You can't poke your own kid!" I said, "Yeah, well there's no one else to do it." She conceded this point (we're short staffed). "Crystal's doing her shots though."

Lilah was charming as usual. She did not agree with having her heart and lungs checked out. "I'm fine, don't listen to me." I had to hold her head still so Dr Kolin could get a decent look at her ears. Her eye defect was addressed. Dr Kolin wasn't worried. "We'll check it before kindergarten."

She was in the 25th percentile for height and weight, with an average head (i.e. huge on her tiny body). Her hemoglobin was better than mine. Her sentences surprised everyone. She is getting sent for a blood draw. That part is a bummer. Her lead level should be checked because of the zip code we live in, and they'll check to see if this milk nonsense is a true allergy or an intolerance.

I opted to get her the nasal spray Flumist. It's a live virus and better immunity than the inactivated shot. Plus, no mercury. Flu shots are the only vaccine that still contain thermerisol, a preservative that's mercury-based. While lots of studies have proven that it isn't linked to being harmful, I don't love the idea of it either way. A study came out linking consecutive years of flu shots to early onset Alzheimers. That freaked me out a little.

Dr Kolin watched her walk (her toes point out a little, but so do Dano's), stand on one foot, and hop. She said her sentence use and structure was exceptionally good for her age, and we should probably be encouraging her to sit on the potty more.

Crystal came in to give Lilah's vaccines. I laid her down on the table and Crystal squirted the mist up her nose. "I don't like it!" And it was over.  Then onto the shots. She was 100% fine until the needle went in. Then she scrunched up her eyebrows and let out a little bird yell. Then it was over. She looked down at her legs and started crying and flailing her arms. "I don't want any stickers! I said I didn't want stickers!" She frantically swatted at the Tweety Bird bandaids on her thighs. Crystal laughed. "Is that all she's upset about?"

In the end, she got a sucker and a sticker, said her thank yous and goodbyes. We went to Panera and she got a pumpkin cookie for being extra good and brave. We're in the clear til she's 3!

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