Saturday, February 28, 2009

Getting ready

My husband has to be one of the cutest there are out there (although I might be a little biased). He spent most of the day "getting ready" in case I go into labor soon. He asked if it would be okay to go get gas, in case I went into labor while he was gone. I keep assuring him that babies generally don't just fall out onto the floor. He suggested we take a "dry run" to see how long it takes us to get to the Marquette General (you know, the hospital next door to the university he attends daily). He packed, unpacked, and repacked my hospital back and added people to the "call list" that he thought would want to know about the baby (no matter how obscure the connection to the person). He also mentally went through our food inventory to see if there were snacks for me he could grab to bring to the hospital. Last, he gathered movies together that are "lighthearted" for me to watch and relax while I'm in labor there. I had to veto a few (Lucky #Slevin and the Boondock Saints to name a few) but most of his picks were good. He insisted on the Blues Brothers for reasons unknown to me. He just thought it was very appropriate. I'm just enjoying watching him get more fidgety and nervous with every contraction I have. It'll be an interesting labor. He's more nervous than I am.

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